23 January 2006

BBQ is a Way of Life

Its' a pirates' life at Tropic-Al's long sunny days by the lagoon waiting for the elusive message in the bottle to was up on shore. While that won't probably happen for awhile we can at least relax in the hot tub listen to music and barbecue all day! Anyone can cook chicken but it takes a Q-Master to bbq it right.

Best of all anyone can become a Q-Master with the right recipes for marinades, sauces and hot sauce. Read on and click on to our island store full of hot sauce and bbq sauce for chicken, beef, fish and oh yes PULLED PORK. We support our island economy by selling hot sauce purged from ships that run ashore on the island.

If you want to find out what too much sun does to a pirate wannabe
Visit Our Island for an inside view of Tropic-Al and the strange life on the island.

Tropic-Al can also be heard on his podcasts Tropi-Al's BBQ Review where we update listeners on the BBQ grill industry, recipes and life on the island in general.

Tropic-Al's BBQ Review Podcast

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