Are you a Parrot Head or a wanna be back yard beach bum? Welcome to Tropic-Al's BBQ Review: a back yard banana republic in the Catskills! From the safety of our island nation just off my back porch we will share with you the best of back yard cooking and coconut colony life. WELCOME!
22 February 2008
Our Rum Shop Is Now Open
NOWHERE THAT'S WHERE! We are working on becoming the webs best site for integrated BBQ and Island fun.
17 February 2008
We Even Impressed the Judges!
After the smoke cleared and the room aired out a few brave soles found their way to the front of the room and actually sampled some of the fare. They informed Tropic-Al that their life insurance was paid up and not to worry.
Along with the venturous taste testers was a husband and wife KCBS judging team. After giving the table the once over and trying to repair the incredible amount of damage done to the BBQ community in one afternoon they immediately sentenced Tropic-Al to is.
Even though the team found the damage caused to the BBQ community irreparable they thought it best to leave Tropic-Al as they found him: strange, wierd and as he seems to never be able to let go of the urge to play with fire and food the team thought it best that he stay on his island and continue playing with fire and food.
Very wise decision of the judges it turns out. You see since they sentenced Tropic-Al "to life as is" at least he stays on his island and will always be near water when playing with fire and food!
We could use some KCBS logic like that in Washington DC!
13 February 2008
What to Do After a Hard Day of Grillin'
What goes better with an evening of BBQ ing than to settle back and light up a stogey, watch the sun go down and sip a rum. Here at Tropic-Al's that's what we do when the fire dies down and waist line fills up.*
It's even better when the stogey comes from a shop down a side steet. This place is hard to find even in daylight with a neon sign. Kind of reminds me of a speak easy.........................
(*that is when it's not 23degrees F and yet another ice storm hits the island)
10 February 2008
Time for School Sat Feb 16th
If you have ever seen the stuff Tropic-Al grills the only think making his stuff edible is the sauce. The rubs hide the spoilage marks on most other fare.
So if like Tropic-Al you like to cook but can't, save your guests the trip to the pharmacy for milk of magnesia. Learn how to make your mistakes passable as food....if even just dog food.
Saturday Feb 16th 1 PM Adams Fairacre Farms....Poughkeepie, NY
03 February 2008
An Amazing Surprising Rum
However enter Goslings Black Label rum. Only 80 proof yes but drinkable chilled or even in Welch's Grape Juice.
Today for our church Super Bowl Party I spiked the BBQ sauce with some Goslings'.
May I remind you the rum is very drinkable which brings about the fact that if it is this drinkable imagine how it would taste on slow BBQ'd scallops?
Please do not tell the pastor!
He would be most offeded to find out we did not use rum from the real Caribbean!