20 April 2008

Picked My First Chile Today

That's right! Here in the foothills of the Catskill Mountains I picked my first New Mexico chile right off the plant from the garden. Actally I started the plants indoors under compact flourescents in January! But I did put the plants out in the garden this week and I did pick a pepper off one. Nu-Mex a New Mexico variety known for it's smokey jalepeno style flavor.
I sliced up a red bell pepper stuffed it with garlic, onion and some rubs then tucked in some pepper jack cheese and roasted it for thirty minutes until well chared.

Smoothe and smokey was the result.

Tropic-Al's: A Banana Republic in The Catskills

04 April 2008

Weber hits a winner with the Sear Station. On the Summit Models S470 and S670 Weber has installed a sear station so you can get the heat up to over 1,000*F and sear your meat. Now the jury is still out on whether searing is good or bad. I happen to think it seals out flavor of the rubs and marinades one might place on a steak. Another thing is the juices flow back in to the meat after resting a few minutes after coming the grill.

However more people think searing is good than bad.so be it.

Another cool thing on the S470 and S670 is the knobs all have their own ignitor and they light up! As well there are two grill lights built into the handle that do a great job of lighting the place up.

Tropic-Al's: A Banana Republic in The Catskills